Futures and Forex Glossary Dictionary B1

Back Office

Place where data pertaining to financial transactions of forex and futures is processed.


Testing a particular trading strategy on past data, to evolve a future prognosis as most technical analysis is done. This obviates the need to test a particular strategy over a forthcoming period of time as it would require more time. Related Terms: Data Mining, Autoregressive


Futures price being lower in far away delivery months than in the near delivery months. Opposite of contango Related Terms:Contango

Balance of Trade

A country’s exports minus imports.


Price spectrum in which a country’s exchange rate is allowed to fluctuate. It is applicable for currencies whose rates are pegged

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

The oldest financial institution founded in 1930, and the principal architect of global financial markets headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, known as a bank for central banks. The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF’s) special drawing rights form the BIS’s unit of accou

Bank of Canada (BOC)

Headquartered in Ottawa, it is the Central Bank of Canada responsible for monetary policy and issuing bank notes in Canada. Related Terms: Canadian Dollar

Bank of Japan (BOJ)

Central bank of Japan headquartered in Tokyo.

Bank Rate

The interest rate at which a central bank lends money to domestic banks coming under its purview.

Banking Day

Schedule of working days of commercial banks in a country.

Bar charts

A tool for evaluating price action of currency pairs.

Base currency

The currency against which exchange rates are quoted. It is usually the first currency in a particular currency pair. Example: In the EUR/USD, the euro is the base currency.

Basis Point

A unit that denotes price changes in financial instruments for purposes of calculating interest rates, yield of securities etc. It is equivalent to 1% or 0.0001.

Basket of USD Shorts

Those transactions where USD is sold against other currencies.


A presumptive trader who expects currency prices to fall.

Bear Market (Bear/Bearish)

A prolonged period of falling prices of an asset.

Bid (Forex)

The price at which an investor is prepared to buy a currency pair. Also called ‘bid price” and ‘Bid rate” .Also known as Bid/Ask spread. Related Terms: Bid/Ask Sp

Bid (Futures)

The price at which an investor is prepared to buy a futures contract.
