5 Reasons to invest now


1: Never before in history have we seen such explosive growth of the middle class worldwide. This means brand new markets everywhere for everything.

2:History shows returns are much higher for a portfolio formed midway in a recession than one formed midway in a recovery.

3: Despite the market run up since March, takeovers are everywhere which means market pros are seeing good value in select companies.

4: Corporate bond yields are generous especially relative to treasuries

5: Dividends, which are responsible for half the long term return of the market, are very attractive in certain companies




Forex market offers many advantages, such as no commissions and margin trading.plus u can take advantage of downtendencies as uptendencies. And my broker ACM allows scalping and hedging, trading strategies you cant you in other markets

Forex market offers many advantages, such as no commissions and margin trading.plus u can take advantage of downtendencies as uptendencies. And my broker ACM allows scalping and hedging, trading strategies you cant you in other markets

Indeed in the forex market you'll always have winner strategies and losing strategies no matter what the market does..


That is true..But there are general principles, when applied, can lead to identifying a good trading system..

some of the principles are ease of use and ease of understanding, what are the money management principles etc..


Volume is inconclusive.
